RRCAT Newsletter - Issue 1 of 2013

  From the Director's Desk
  From the Editor's Desk

 Accelerator Programme:
A.1: Beam lifetime improvement in Indus-2
A.2: Design and development of visible diagnostic beamline at Indus-2 and initial measurements results
A.3: Development of 1.3 GHz five cell SCRF cavity
A.4: Development of online transverse coupled bunch mode measurement system for Indus-2
A.5: Development of Data diagnostics software for Indus-1 and Indus-2 accelerators
A.6: Tantalum-impurity contents in Niobium materials and their possible effect on the performance of Superconducting Radio Frequency (SCRF) cavities
A.7: First signature of coherence in the CUTE-FEL setup
A.8: Development of compact 476 MHz,1 kW solid state pulse power amplifier
A.9: Prototype dipole magnet development for 700 MeV booster synchrotron
A.10: Development and commissioning of two 65kW capacity precision chillers for the Indus-2 RF cavities with DAQ upgradation work
A.11: Development of rotating coil based magnetic measurement system at RRCAT
A.12: BifeO 3 prepared by rapid liquid-phase sintering method and properties
A.13: Dvelopment of web based Indus Fault Logbook (FLogbook) software
A.14: Manufeacturing of quadrupole magnet cores for IRFEL at ACDFS, RRCAT
A.15: A compact and cost-effective laser diode power supply for laser marker system
A.16: Study on low magnetic permeability stainless steel welds for microtron

 Laser Programme:
L.1: Development of 150W high brightness (M2~19) solid state green laser
L.2: Development of Krypton Chloride Excimer Laser (λ=222nm)
L.3: Development of 160W of single transverse mode Yb-doped CW fiber laser
L.4: Indigenous development of laser glass
L.5: Depth-sensitive Raman Spectroscopy (RS) combined with Optical Coherence Spectroscopy (OCT)for layered tissue analysis
L.6: Development of PCI controlled Gated grid S-20 optical streak camera
L.7: Long period fiber gratings as high dose radiation sensors: possible applications for particle accelerators and plasma diagnostic systems in ITER
L.8: Automation of femtosecond laser pulse shaping experiments
L.9: Effect on curcumin on the diffusion kinetics of an organic dye across a model membrane probed by second harmonic spectroscopy
L.10: Studies on Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) for chemical sensing
L.11: Carbon decontamination of optical surfaces using RF discharge plasma
L.12: Catalyst-free growth of InAs NWs on Si(001)

I.1: Scientific Computing and Software Development at RRCAT
I.2: Development of Information System at RRCAT
I.3: Development in Networking and Communication at RRCAT
I.4: Developments in library & scientific information resources at RRCAT
I.5: Developments in electronic security and support systems
I.6: Construction & Services

 Theme Articles:

T.1: Development and deployment of solid state RF amplifiers for Indus SRS facility
T.2: Ultrafast spectroscopy of nanostructured materials
T.3: Microstructure-texture-magnetization correlation in spinel ferrite thin films

 Publications:Publications from RRCAT during July 2012 – December 2012


N.1: Graduation Function of 12th Batch of BARC Training School, RRCAT
N.2: CAT-I and CAT-II Stipendiary Training Programme
N.3: Seventh International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders-2012
N.4: Fourth SERC School on Laser produced Plasmas: Physics and Applications
N.5: Fifth SERC School on micro-fabrication and micromaching
N.6:Theme meetingon Structure determination using X-Ray diffraction
N.7:Theme meeting on Synchrotron based EXAFS: Techniques and Applications
N.8:DAE (Excellence in Science, Engineering & Technology) Awards 2011
N.9:RRCAT paper wins the SPIE award during Photonics 2012
N.10:Best Poster Award during Plasma-12
N.11: आर आर केट में माह जुलाई, २०१२ से दिसंबर, २०१२ तक कि अवधि के दौरान हिन्दी के प्रचार-प्रसार से संबंधित विभिन्न गतिविधियाँ


RRCAT Newsletter - Issue 1 of 2013

Chief Editor:
  • Dr. Shovan K. Majumder

Editorial Board:
  • Dr. Vinit Kumar
  • Dr. Tapas Ganguli
  • Dr. Christ P. Paul
  • Sh. Shailendra S. Tomar
  • Sh. J. K. Pattnaik
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