Accelerator Controls & Beam Diagnostics Division
Alarm Handling System

The central Alarm Handling System (AHS) alerts the operator of any abnormality in the machine parameters, e.g., system trips, interlock fail conditions, system malfunction states etc. The alarming parameters and conditions can be viewed and acknowledged on the alarm panel. The system conditions are categorized as alarms and events. The alarms and events are logged with detailed information to help find their origin. The Alarm history can be displayed on web also.

Indus alarm handling system is a monitoring system that collects, processes and distributes the alarm information that is received from any of its sub-systems. Its main purpose is to alert the control room operators about the occurrence of any alarm. The other important function is to log the alarms and selected events. The system allows alarm conditions of digital type (on/off, trip etc.) and analog type (value deviation). The alarms are displayed on the operator panels. The alarm history is maintained in an external database that can be later queried to retrieve relevant information and can be displayed locally or on web. The alarm configuration that includes masking/unmasking and changing set limits is provided with user authentication. The other facilities of the system include global/individual acknowledgment, audio on alarm occurrence, printing the alarms from the operator panel, exporting the alarm data to a file.

Indus alarm handling system handles alarms from various sub-systems viz. Magnet Power Supply, Vacuum, RF, Beam Diagnostics, Radiation Monitoring etc. There are ~5000 alarms configured.The alarms are categorized as Critical alarms, Non-critical alarms, Warning and Information. Each category is associated with different color and sound scheme.

Fig: Screenshot of Alam Handling System Software.

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