Laser Plasma Laboratory Publication List : Since Year 2000


  1. A simple high resolution on-line x-ray imaging crystal spectrograph for laser plasma interaction studies
    V.Arora, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71, 2644, 2000

  2. Understanding non-diagram x-ray lines through energy diagrams
    Physics Education, 17, pp.253-60, 2000

  3. Interferometric measurement of thickness of thin films of formvar deposited on glass plates
    R.P.Shukla, S.Kumar, A.Chowdhury, and P.D.Gupta
    J. Optics, 29, pp.85-93, 2000

  4. The study of spectral, temporal and spatial characteristics of harmonics generated at solid surfaces.
    R. A. Ganeev, J. A. Chakera, M. Raghuramaiah, A. K. Sharma, P. A. Naik, P.D.Gupta.
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 89, pp.967-72, 2000.

  5. Calculation of higher order group velocity dispersion in a grating pulse stretcher / compressor using recursion method
    P.A.Naik and A.K.Sharma
    J. Optics, 29, pp.105-113, 2000

  6. Polarization characteristics of the harmonics and reflected radiation upon the interaction of 100 GW picosecond pulses with aluminium films
    R.A.Ganeev, J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta
    Quantum Electronics, 30 (11), pp.970-74, 2000

  7. Occurrence of half integral diffraction orders in XUV-soft x-ray spectra using a free-standing transmission grating.
    S.Sailaja, P.A.Naik, V.Arora and P.D.Gupta
    J. X-ray Science and Technology, 8, 231, 2000

  8. Effect of space charge potential in ion acceleration in magnetically confined laser produced plasma.
    V.N.Rai, M.Shukla ,and H.C.Pant
    Laser and Particle Beams 18, 2000.

  9. A dedicated data acquisition system for ion velocity measurements of laser produced plasmas;
    N. Sreedhar, S. Nigam, Y.B.S.R. Prasad, V.K. Senecha and C.P. Navathe;
    Indian Journal of Engg.& Material Science 7, 122 2000.

  10. Density oscillations in laser produced plasma decelerated by external magnetic field
    V.N. Rai, M. Shukla and H.C. Pant
    PRAMANA-Jour. Of Phys., 55, no.5 & 6, 773 2000.

  11. Multiple charge states of Titanium ions in laser produced plasma
    M. Shukla, S. Bandyopadhyay, V.N. Rai, A.V. Kilpio and H.C. Pant
    PRAMANA-Jour. Of Phys., 55, no.5 & 6, 781 2000.

  12. Study of volume effect of laser produced plasma on x-ray emissions
    V.K. Senecha, YBSR Prasad, M.P. Kamath, A.S. Joshi, G.S. Solanki, A.P. Kulkarni,R. Pareek,S.Gupta and H.C. Pant
    PRAMANA-Jour. Of Phys., 55, no.5 & 6, 789 2000.

  13. Scalings of x-ray emission and ion velocity in laser produced Cu plasma
    YBSR Prasad, V.K.Senecha, H.C.Pant, M.P.Kamath, G.S.Solanki, P.K.Tripathi, A.P.Kulkarni, S.Gupta, R.Pareek, A.S.Joshi, N.Sreedhar, S.Nigam, and C.P.Navathe
    PRAMANA-Jour. Of Phys., 55, no.5 & 6, 797 2000.

  14. Comment on Isotope enrichment in laser ablation plumes and commensurately deposited thin films
    P.D.Gupta and P.A.Naik
    Phys.Rev.Letters, 86, 1386, 2001

  15. Single shot twin x-ray microscopic imaging using simultaneously produced laser plasma x-ray sources
    J.A.Chakera, V.Arora, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, V.Ganesan, and P.D.Gupta
    Review of Sci. Instrum., 72, 1421, 2001

  16. Polarization effects in harmonic generation from solid surfaces
    R.A.Ganeev, J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    J. of Optics : B 3, S112-117, 2001

  17. Laser driven high current density pulsed electron emission from lead zirconium titanate (PZT) ferroelectric ceramic.
    A.Moorti, S.Sailaja, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta,
    Yu.V.Korobkin, I.V.Romanov, A.A.Rupasov and A.S.Shikhanov
    Applied Physics Letters, 79, 1163, 2001

  18. On-line temporal characterization of an x-ray streak camera
    J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, and V.K.Chevokin
    J. Optics and Laser Technology 33, p.421-25, 2001

  19. Experimental study of harmonic generation from solid surfaces irradiated by multipicosecond laser pulses.
    R.A.Ganeev, J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    Physical Review E, 63, 26402, 2001

  20. Angular distribution of x-ray line radiation from laser irradiated planar targets
    V.Arora, J.A.Chakera, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, N.K.Gupta, and P.D.Gupta
    Laser and Particle Beams, 19, 253, 2001

  21. Steepening of laser pulse in a plasma
    A.Upadhyay,V.K. Tripathi and H.C. Pant
    Physica Scripta , 63, 326-328 2001.

  22. Transient self-focussing and stimulated Brillouin scattering in laser-plasma interaction
    S.T.Mahmoud, R.P.Sharma, and A.Kumar
    J.Plasma Physics, 66, 119, 2001

  23. A second order autocorrelator for single shot measurement of femtosecond laser pulse durations
    M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta and R.A.Ganeev
    Sadhana, 26, 603, 2001

  24. Absolute spectral distribution of x-ray emission for laser produced gold plasma
    S.Sailaja, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta
    IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science, 29, 960, 2001

  25. Analysis of soft x-ray emission from a low energy plasma focus device using vacuum photodiode
    T.K.Borthakur, S.R.Mohanty, H.Bhuyan, and V.N.Rai
    Ind. J. Phys. 75B, 455, 2001

  26. Peculiarities of harmonics generated from interaction of 27ps laser radiation with solid aluminium targets
    R.A.Ganeev, J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    Physica Scripta 65, 155, 2002

  27. A data acquisition and analysis system for on-line calibration and measurements of optical density by a scanning microdensitometer
    H.S.Vora, J.Upadhyay, P.A.Naik, C.P.Navathe, and P.D.Gupta
    IETE Technical Review, 19, 65, 2002

  28. Equation of state studies at CAT using laser driven shock wave propagation through layered foil targets
    H.C.Pant, M.Shukla, V.K. Senecha, S. Bandyopadhyay, V.N. Rai, P.Khare, R. Bhat , B.K. Godwal and N.K. Gupta.
    Current Science 82, 149, 2002

  29. Laser driven shock wave experiments for EOS studies at Mbar pressures
    H.C. Pant, M. Shukla, V.K. Senecha, S. Badyopadhyay, V.N. Rai, , P. Khare , R.K. Bhat, N.K. Gupta and B.K. Godwal
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14, 10787 2002

  30. Asymmetric Self-focusing of a laser pulse in plasma
    A.Upadhyay, V.K. Tripathi, A.K. Sharma and H.C. Pant
    J. Plasma Phys. 68, 75 2002

  31. Effect of Hot Electrons on Stimulated Compton scattering of a Laser in a Self Sustained Plasma Channel,
    A .Upadhyay, V. K. Tripathi and H. C. Pant,
    Physics of Plasmas, 9, 5 2002

  32. Weibel instability of relativistic electron flows in a laser produced plasma
    A.Upadhyay, V.K.Tripathi
    Plasma Phys. Contr.Fusion 44 , 2357, 2002

  33. Pressure dependence of enhanced x-ray line emission from laser produced plasmas expanding in an ambient gas
    A.Chowdhry, V.Arora, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    Journal of Applied Physics 93, 3218, 2003

  34. Dependence of soft x-ray conversion on atomic composition in laser produced gold-copper mix-Z targets
    J.A.Chakera, V.Arora, S.Sailaja, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, N.K.Gupta, and B.K.Godwal
    Appl.Phys.Letters 83, 27, 2003

  35. A new technique for obtaining uniform intensity line focus of Gaussian laser beams.
    P.A.Naik, S.R.Kumbhare, V.Arora, R.A.Joshi, and P.D.Gupta
    Optics Communication 233, 137, 2003

  36. M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    Optics Communication 233, 163, 2003

  37. Single shot Nd:YAG laser operation from 10Hz oscillator for equation of state studies
    M.Shukla, A.Upadhyay, V.K.Senecha, P.Khare, S.Bandhyopadhyay, V.N.Rai, C.P.Navathe, and H.C.Pant
    Laser and Particle Beams 21, 611 2003

  38. Equation of state study of copper using laser induced shocks near 10 Mbar pressures and revalidation of theoretical modelling
    M.Shukla, H.C.Pant, V.K.Senecha, V.N.Rai, P.Khare, A.K.verma, R.S.Rao, N.K.Gupta, and B.K.Godwal
    Current Science 85, 802 2003

  39. Optimization of soft x-ray line emission from laser produced carbon plasma with lasere intensity
    A.Chowdhury, R.A.Joshi, G.P.Gupta, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta
    Pramana 61,1121, 2003

  40. Design and performance of high power laser for high pressure physics experiments
    H.C. Pant, M. Shukla, A. Upadhyay, V.N. Rai, V.K. Senecha, M. Khan and B.K. Godwal
    Laser & Particle Beams (Special issue : 2004)

  41. High speed time and space resolved diagnostics of laser produced plasma
    M. Shukla, H.C. Pant, V.K. Senecha, A. Upadhyay, V.N. Rai and B.K. Godwal
    Laser & Particle Beams (Special issue : 2004)

  42. High current density electron emission from PZT ferroelectric disc under application of short duration voltage pulses
     A.Moorti, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
     IEEE Tr. Plasma Science 32, 256, 2004

  43. Feasibility of stabilizing vacuum-diode x-ray source with a laser plasma cathode
    A.S. Kishinets, Yu.V. Korobkin, I.V. Romanov, A.A. Rupasov, A.S. Shikhanov. A. Moorti, P.A. Naik and P.D. Gupta
    Plasma Physics Report 30, 235, 2004

  44. Estimation of higher order chirp in ultrashort laser pulses using modified spectrum auto-interferometric correlation
     A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
     Optics Commun. 233, 431, 2004

  45. A simple and sensitive method for visual detection of temporal asymmetry of ultrashort laser pulses
     A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
     Optics Express 12, 1389, 2004

  46. Characteristics of a multi-keV monochromatic point x-ray source based on vacuum diode with laser produced plasma as cathode.
     A.Moorti, M.Raghuramaiah, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta.
     Pramana J. Physics 63, 1031, 2004

  47. Second Harmonic Generation in a plasma channel.
    A. Upadhyay and V. K. Tripathi
    J. Plasma Physics 71, part 4, 1, 2004.

  48. Use of commercial grade light emitting diode in auto-correlation measurements of femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses at 1054 nm
     A.K.Sharma, M.Raghuramaiah, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
     Optics Communication 246, 195, 2005

  49. Effect of dielectronic recombination on the charge state distribution and soft-x-ray line intensity of laser produced carbon plasma.
     A.Chowdhury, G.P.Gupta, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
     Pramana J. Physics 64, 141, 2005

  50. Characteristics of moderate current vacuum discharge triggered by multi-picosecond and nanosecond duration laser pulses.
     A.Moorti, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, I.V.Romanov, Yu.V.Korabkin, A.A.Rupasov, and A.S.Shikanov
     J. Appl. Phys 97,044303, 2005

  51. Efficient absorption and intense x-ray emission from gas cluster plasmas irradiated by 25ps laser pulses.
    S.Sailaja, R.A.Khan, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta
    IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 33, 1006 2005

  52. Second Harmonic Generation in a laser channel.
    A. Upadhyay and V. K. Tripathi
    J. Plasma Physics 71, 359, 2005

  53. Gaseous clusters as targets for use in laser plasma interaction experiments
    S. Sailja, R.A. Khan, S.R. Kumbhare, P.A. Naik and P. D. Gupta
    Ind. J. Physics 79, 623, 2005

  54. Characteristics of a stable, injection Q-switched Nd: phosphate glass regenerative amplifier for a CPA based Table Top Terawatt laser system
    A.K. Sharma, M. Raghuramaiah, K.K. Mishra, P.A. Naik, S.R. Kumbhare and P.D. Gupta
    Opt. Commun. 252, 369, 2005

  55. Spectral blue-shifts in laser light scattered from argon gas cluster plasma
    H. Singhal, V. Arora, P.A. Naik and P.D. Gupta
    Phys. Rev A 72, 043201 (2005)

  56. Design, fabrication and characterization of an x-ray bolometer for pulsed plasma x-ray sources
    S. Mahadevan, J.A Chakera, P.P. Vaidya, D. Balasubramanaian , O.P. Ka shik, P.A. Naik, L.M. Rangarajan, and P.D. Gupta
    Meas. Sci. & Technol., 16, 2287, 2005

  57. Generation of multi-keV monochromatic twin x-ray point sources based on laser-driven vacuum diode
    A.Moorti, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76, 106101, 2005

  58. Generation of hard x-ray radiation in laser induced vacuum discharges
    I.V. Romanov, Yu. V. Korobkin, A.A. Rupasov, A.S. Shikhanov, P.D. Gupta, R.A. Khan, S.R. Kumbhare, P.A. Naik and A. Moorti
    Laser and Particle Beams, 23, 333, 2005

  59. Single harmonic enhancement by controlling the chirp of the driving laser pulse during high-order harmonic generation from GaAs plasma
    R. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P.A. Naik, V. Arora, U. Chakraborty, J.A. Chakera, R.A. Khan, P.V. Redhin, M. Raghuramaiah, and P.D. Gupta
    JOSA -B 23, 2535, 2006

  60. Harmonic generation from indium-rich plasmas
    R.A. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P.A. Naik, V.Arora, U. Chakravarty, J.A. Chakera, R.A. Khan, I.A. Kulagin, P.V. Redkin, M. Raghuramaiah, and P.D. Gupta
    Phys. Rev. A 74, 063824, 2006

  61. Cathode plasma jet pinching and intense x-ray emission in a moderate current laser triggered vacuum discharge
    A.Moorti, B.S. Rao, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    IEEE Tr. Plasma Science. 34, 2419 (2006)

  62. Effect of ultra intense laser pulse on the propagation of electron plasma wave in relativistic and ponderomotive regime and particle acceleration
    Atul Kumar, M.K. Gupta and R.P. Sharma
    Laser and Particle Beams 24, No.3, 403-409 (2006)

  63. Development of a single frame x-ray framing camera for pulsed plasma experiments
    J.Upadhyay, J.A.Chakera, C.P.Navathe, P.A.Naik, A.S.Joshi, and P.D.Gupta
    Sadhana 31, 613, 2006

  64. A simple interferometer for space and time resolved density measurements of laser produced plasmas
    YBSR Prasad, P.A.Naik, Atul Kumar and P.D. Gupta
    Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 93106 (2006)
    Also in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science [] Oct. 2006

  65. Transmission grating spectrograph with on-line recording of XUV soft x-ray spectra from laser produced plasmas
    S.Sailaja, V.Arora, S.R.Kumbhare, R.A.Joshi, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    J. Optics and Laser Technol., 38, 46, (2006)

  66. Effect of gold on keV x-ray emission yield from laser produced plasmas of gold-copper mix-z-targets
    V. Arora, J.A. Chakera, P.A. Naik, N.K. Gupta, S.R. Kumbhare, and P.D. Gupta
    J. Appl. Phys. 100, 33306 (2006)
    Also in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science [ ] (Sept. 2006)

  67. The effect of errors and detector noise on sensitive detection of chirp and pulse asymmetry of ultrashort laser pulses from interferometric auto-correlation signals
    A.K. Sharma, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    Opt. Commun., 259, 350 (2006)

  68. Enhanced quadratic photocurrent in commercial light emitting diodes for autocorrelation measurement of ultrashort laser pulses
    A.K. Sharma, P.A. Naik and P.D. Gupta
    Appl. Phys. B 82, 407, 2006.

  69. Measuring pulse-front tilt in ultrashort pulse laser beams without ambiguity of its sign using single-shot tilted pulse-front auto-correlator
    A.K. Sharma, R.K. Patidar, M. Raghuramaiah, P.A. Naik and P.D. Gupta
    Optics Express 14, 26, 13131, 2006
    Also in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science [ ] (March 2007)

  70. Optimization of the high order harmonics generated from silver plasma on laser pulse chirp
    R.A. Ganeev, H. Singhal, P.A. Naik, U. Chakravarty, V. Arora, J.A. Chakera, R.A. Khan, M. Raghuramaiah, S.R. Kumbhare, R.P. Kushwaha, and P.D. Gupta
    Appl. Phys B 87, 243, 2007

  71. Tuning of the high-order harmonics generated from laser plasma plumes and solid surfaces by varying the laser spectrum, chirp, and focal position
    R. A. Ganeev, P. A. Naik, H. Singhal, J. A. Chakera, H. Kuroda, and P. D. Gupta
    J.O.S.A. B 24, 1138, 2007

  72. Optimization of C5+ Balmer-? line intensity at 182A from laser produced carbon plasma
    A.Chowdhury, R.A.Joshi, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    Pramana - J. Physics 68, 43, 2007

  73. Studies planned at RRCAT, Indore on laser-plasma based electron acceleration
    P.A.Naik and P.D. Gupta
    International Journal of Modern Physics B 21, 459, 2007

  74. X-ray emission in sub-keV narow spectral range from laser-heated gold-copper mix-Z-plasma
    J.A. Chakera, S.R. Kumbhare, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    Appl. Phys. B. 86, 510, 2007

  75. Structrual, optical and non-linear optical properties of indium nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation
    R.A. Ganeev, A.I. Ryasnyansky, U. Chakravarty, P.A. Naik, H. Srivastava, M.K. Tiwari, and P.D. Gupta
    Appl. Phys B 86, 337, 2007

  76. Pulsed deposition of metal films and nano-particles in vacuum using sub-nanosecond laser pulses
    R.A. Ganeev, U. Chakravarty, P.A. Naik, H. Srivastava, C. Mukherjee, M.K. Tiwari, R.V. Nandedkar, and P.D. Gupta
    Appl. Optics 46, 1205, 2007

  77. Strong enhancement and extinction of single harmonic intensity in the mid- and end- plateau regions of the high harmonics generated in low-excited laser plasmas
    R.A. Ganeev, P.A. Naik, H. Singhal, J.A. Chakera, and P.D. Gupta
    Optics Letters 32, 65, 2007
    Also in Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science [ ] (Feb. 2007)

  78. A simple, highly stabled temporally synchronizable Nd: glass laser oscillator delivering laser pulses of variable pulse duration from sub-nanosecond to few nanoseconds
    A.K. Sharma, R.A. Joshi, R.K. Patidar, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    Optics Comm. 272, 455, 2007

  79. Real time auto-correlator with enhanced temporal scan range for measurements of ultrashort laser pulses.
    A.K. Sharma, P.A. Naik and P.D. Gupta
    Opt. & Laser Technol. 39, 465 (2007)


  1. X-ray spectroscopic study of laser produced magnesium plasma
    A.Chowdhury, V.Arora, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    15th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Calcutta, 2000

  2. An experimental study of optimization of soft x-ray conversion in copper-gold alloy targets relevant to hohlraum wall
    J.A.Chakera, V.Arora, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    15th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Calcutta, 2000

  3. Dependence of keV x-ray emission on elemental composition of laser irradiated mix-Z targets
    V.Arora, J.A.Chakera, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    15th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Calcutta, 2000

  4. An experimental study of field excited electron emission from PZT ferroelectric ceramic
    A.Moorti, S.Sailaja, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    15th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Calcutta, 2000

  5. High current density pulsed electron emission from laser irradiated disc shaped lead zirconium titanate (PZT) ferroelectric ceramic
    A.Moorti, S.Sailaja, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    15th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Calcutta, 2000

  6. Generation of twin monochromatic x-ray point sources of multi-keV photons in a laser driven vacuum diode
    A.Moorti, S.Sailaja, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    15th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Calcutta, 2000

  7. An experimental study of harmonic generation from solid surfaces irradiated by multi-picosecond Nd:glass laser pulses
    J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, and R.V.Ganeev
    15th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Calcutta, 2000

  8. Development of a program to calculate x-ray conversion efficiency from XUV spectra recorded using a transmission grating spectrograph
    S.Sailaja, and J.A.Chakera
    15th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Calcutta, 2000

  9. Single shot measurement of femtosecond laser pulses
    M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta
    IX National Laser Symposium (NLS-2000), N.Delhi, 2000

  10. Design, setting up, and characterization of a grating pair pulse stretcher unit of a CPA based table top terawatt Nd:phosphate glass laser system.
    A.K.Sharma, M.Raghuramaiah, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta
    IX National Laser Symposium (NLS-2000), N.Delhi, 2000

  11. Laser driven shock wave experiments for equation of state study of different materials at Mbar pressures
    H.C. Pant, M. Shukla, V.K. Senecha, S. Bandhopadhyay, V.N.Rai, P. Khare, R.K. Bhat, N.K. Gupta and B.K. Godwal
    International conference on High Pressure Science and Technology, New Delhi 2001

  12. Sub-ke-V X-ray emission from laser heated copper-gold mix-Z targets
    J.A. Chakera, V. Arora, S. Sailaja, S.R. Kumbhare, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    National Laser Symposium, December 2001, CAT, Indore.

  13. On-line spectral monitoring of femtosecond laser pulses and their interlocking in a CPA based Table Top Terawatt Nd: glass laser system
    M. Raghuramaiah, A.K. Sharma, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    National Laser Symposium, December 2001, CAT, Indore

  14. A grating pair pulse compressor for a CPA based Table Top Terawatt Nd:phosphate glass laser system
    A.K. Sharma, M. Raghuramaiah, P.A. Naik, S.R. Kumbhare, R.P. Kushwaha, and P.D. Gupta
    National Laser Symposium, December 2001, CAT, Indore

  15. Pressure selective Enhancement of X-ray line transitions in laser produced plasmas expending in a background Gas
    V. Arora, P.A. Naik, R.A. Joshi, S.R. Kumbhare, and P.D. Gupta
    National Laser Symposium, December 2001, CAT, Indore

  16. Real time interferometric autocorrelation measurement of ultra short laser pulses using a light emitting diode detector
    A.K. Sharma, M. Raghuramaiah, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    National Laser Symposium, December 2001, CAT, Indore

  17. Pressure dependence of enhanced x-ray line emission from laser produced plasmas expanding in an ambient gas
    A. Choudhary, V. Arora, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    National Laser Symposium, December 2001, CAT, Indore

  18. Relative X-ray line intensities from H-like and He-like ions in plasma produced by multi-piconsecond laser pulses
    V. Arora, P.A. Naik, R.A. Khan, and P.D. Gupta
    National Laser Symposium, December 2001, CAT, Indore

  19. Dependence of ion density distribution on ionization and recombination coefficients for laser produced carbon plasma
    A. Choudhary
    National Laser Symposium, December 2001, CAT, Indore

  20. Effect of dielectric Recombination of Ly- � line intensity ratio of laser produced carbon plasma
    A. Choudhury
    National Laser Symposium, December 2001, CAT, Indore

  21. Equation of State studies of copper using laser driven shock waves propagation in layered target
    M.Shukla, P.Khare, V.K.Senecha and H.C.Pant
    16th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Centre of Plasma Physics, Dispur, Guwahati 2001

  22. Generation of intense thermal x-ray radiation in spherical gold cavity targets using high power laser chain
    H.C. Pant ,Y.B.S.R. Prasad, V.K. Senecha, A.S. Joshi, M.P. Kamath, P.Khare,R.K.Bhat, A.P. Kulkarni, and S. Gupta
    16th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, PLASMA-01, Centre of Plasma Physics, Dispur, Guwahati 2001.

  23. High current density electron emission from lithium niobate ferroelectric crystal
    A. Moorti, S. Sailaja, P.A. Naik, P.D. Gupta, Yu.V. Korobkin, I.V. Romanov. A.A. Rupasov and A.S. Shikhanov
    16th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, PLASMA-01, Centre of Plasma Physics, Dispur, Guwahati 2001.

  24. Temporal characteristics of pulsed electron emission from field excited lead zirconium titanate ferroelectric ceramic
    A. Moorti, S. Sailaja, P.A. Naik, P.D. Gupta, Yu.V. Korobkin, I.V. Romanov. A.A. Rupasov and A.S. Shikhanov
    16th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, PLASMA-01, Centre of Plasma Physics, Dispur, Guwahati 2001.

  25. Dependence of soft x-ray line emission on laser intensity from laser produced carbon plasma in the water-window spectral range
    A. Chowdhury, R.A. Joshi, S.R. Kumbhare, P.A. Naik and P.D. Gupta
    16th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, PLASMA-01, Centre of Plasma Physics, Dispur, Guwahati 2001.

  26. A symmetric Self-Distortion of a Shot Laser Pulse in a Plasma
    A. Upadhyay, V.K. Tripathi and H.C. Pant
    16th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, PLASMA-01, Centre of Plasma Physics, Dispur, Guwahati 2001

  27. Spectral, spatial, and polarization characteristics of harmonics generated at interaction of intense laser radiation with aluminium foils.
    R.Ganeev, J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta
    Nonresonant Laser-Matter Interaction NLMI-10, Proc. SPIE Vol.4423, 286-94, 2001

  28. Dependence of soft x-ray conversion on atomic composition in laser produced plasma of copper-gold mix-Z targets
    J.A.Chakera, V.Arora, N.K.Gupta, S.sailaja, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, and B.K.Godwal
    XXVII European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter (ECLIM-2002), Moscow, Oct.2002 SPIE Vol. 5228 p 16 2003

  29. Pressure dependence of enhanced x-ray line emission from laser produced plasma expanding in an ambient gas
    A.Chowdhury, V.Arora, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    XXVII European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter (ECLIM-2002), Moscow, Oct.2002 SPIE Vol. 5228 p 52 2003

  30. The features of electrical current in the x-ray source based on the vacuum diode with the laser plasma cathode
    I.V.Romanov, Yu.V.Korobkin, A.S.Kishinets, A.A.Rupasov, A.S.Shikanov, A.Moorti, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    XXVII European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter (ECLIM-2002), Moscow, Oct.2002 SPIE Vol. 5228 p 637 2003

  31. X-ray line emission from H-like and He-like ions in magnesium plasma produced by multi-picosecond laser pulses.
    P.A.Naik, V.Arora, R.A.Khan, and P.D.Gupta
    XXVII European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter (ECLIM-2002), Moscow, Oct.2002 SPIE Vol. 5228 p 402 2003

  32. A novel geometry for uniform intensity line focus of Gaussian laser beams
    P.A.Naik, S.R.Kumbhare, V.Arora, R.A.Joshi, and P.D.Gupta
    XXVII European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter (ECLIM-2002), Moscow, Oct.2002 SPIE Vol. 5228 p 679 2003

  33. Generation of thermal x-ray radiation inside spherical gold cavities using a high power laser beam
    Y.B.S.R.Prasad, A.S.Joshi, V.K.Senecha, M.P.Kamath, P.Khare, and H.C.Pant
    XXVII European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter (ECLIM-2002), Moscow, Oct.2002 SPIE Vol. 5228 2003

  34. Measurement of pulse front tilt across a femtosecond laser beam.
    M.Raghuramaiah, A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2002, Thiruvananthapuram, Nov.2002

  35. Characterization of sonic and hypersonic nozzles for cluster formation in gas puff for laser plasma interaction studies
    S.Sailaja, P.A.Naik, S.R.Kumbhare, and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2002, Thiruvananthapuram, Nov.2002

  36. EMI shielding in high voltage electro-optic switching using metallic enclosures in an optical regenerative amplifier
    A.K.Sharma, K.K.Mishra, M.Raghuramaiah, P.A.Naik, M.S.Bhatia, and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2002, Thiruvananthapuram, Nov.2002

  37. Interferometric determination of gas density and measurement of cluster formation in gas puff of laser plasma interaction studies
    S.Sailaja, P.A.Naik, A.Moorti, H.R.Bundel, and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2002, Thiruvananthapuram, Nov.2002

  38. Detection and measurement of temporal drift in laser pulse repetition frequency of a CW mode locked femtosecond laser oscillator
    A.K.Sharma, M.Raghuramaiah, K.K.Mishra, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2002, Thiruvananthapuram, Nov.2002

  39. Mechanism of pulsed electron emission and plasma generation on the surface of a field excited ferroelectric disc.
    A.Moorti, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    XVII National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Plasma -2002 Coimbatore, 16-19 Dec. 2002

  40. Development and characterization of layered targets for laser driven shock wave experiments
    V.K.Senecha, A.S.Joshi, J.G.Shah, M.K.Tiwari, M.Shukla, and P.K.Tripathi
    XVII National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Plasma -2002 Coimbatore, 16-19 Dec. 2002

  41. Role of decay instability in second harmonic emission from laser produced plasma.
    A.Upadhyay, A.Kumar, and V.K.Tripathi
    XVII National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Plasma -2002 Coimbatore, 16-19 Dec. 2002

  42. Development and characterization of an injection Q-switched Nd: phosphate glass regenerative amplifier for a CPA based Table Top Terawatt laser system
    A.K. Sharma, M. Raghuramaiah, K.K. Mishra, P.A. Naik, S.R. Kumbhare and P.D. Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium-2003, IIT, Kharagpur December 22-24, 2003

  43. A simple and sensitive method for quantitative estimation of linear and higher order chirp in ultrashort laser pulses
    A.K. Sharma, P.A. Naik and P.D. Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium-2003, IIT, Kharagpur December 22-24, 2003

  44. PROMISE for FROG"
    H.S. Vora, Rama Chari, M.R. Jathar, A.K. Sharma, M. Raghuramaiah, and S.M. Oak
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium-2003, IIT, Kharagpur December 22-24, 2003

  45. Design, fabrication and characterization of an x-ray bolometer for laser plasma interaction studies
    S. Mahadevan, J.A. Chakera, P.P. Vaidya, D. Balasubramaniam, O.P. Kaushik, P.A. Naik, L.M. Rangarajan, and P.D. Gupta
    Plasma - 2003 Symposium, BITS, Ranchi, December 8-11, 2003

  46. Time resolved streak interferometry of laser produced plasmas
    Y.B.S.R. Prasad, A. Kumar, P.A. Naik, R.A. Joshi and P.D. Gupta
    Plasma - 2003 Symposium, BITS, Ranchi, December 8-11, 2003

  47. Enhanced laser energy absorption in nitrogen and argon gas puff/gas cluster plasmas
    S. Sailaja, R.A. Khan, V.K. Senecha, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    Plasma - 2003 Symposium, BITS, Ranchi, December 8-11, 2003

  48. Intense XUV soft x-ray emission from gas puff/gas cluster plasma irradiated by picosecond lasers
    S. Sailaja, R.A. Khan, V.K. Senecha, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    Plasma - 2003 Symposium, BITS, Ranchi, December 8-11, 2003

  49. Experimental determination of temporal asymmetry of ultrashort laser pulses using UMOSAIC technique
    A.K.Sharma, M.Raghuramaiah, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    International Conference on Photonics, Cochin, India, Dec.2004

  50. A comparative study of moderate current vacuum discharge triggered by 27 ps and 4 ns duration laser pulses.
    A.Moorti, S.R.Kumbhare, R.A.Khan, R.A.Joshi, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, I.V.Romanov, Yu.V.Korobkin, A.A.Rupasov, and A.S.Shikanov
    XIX National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology Plasma -2004 Symposium, Bundelkhand Univ., Jhansi, Dec.2004

  51. Space resolved study of Balmer-a line emission at 182 Ao from laser produced carbon plasma
    A.Chowdhury, R.A.Joshi, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2004, NLS-04, BARC, Mumbai, Jan. 2005

  52. A control and data acquisition system for a laser scanning microdensitometer
    H.R.Bundel, C.P.Navathe, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2004, NLS-04, BARC, Mumbai, Jan. 2005

  53. Characterization and use of commercial grade LED in interferometric autocorrelation measurements of ultrashort laser pulses
    A.K.Sharma, M.Raghuramaiah, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2004, NLS-04, BARC, Mumbai, Jan. 2005

  54. Generation and characterization of gas clusters for laser plasma interaction studies
    H.Singhal, V.Arora, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2004, NLS-04, BARC, Mumbai, Jan. 2005

  55. Scattering of multi-picosecond laser light from argon gas cluster plasma
    H.Singhal, V.Arora, P.A.Naik R.A.Khan, A.Upadhyay, S.R.Kumbhare, and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2004, NLS-04, BARC, Mumbai, Jan. 2005

  56. Spectral distribution of x-ray emission from laser heated gold-copper mix-Z plasma
    J.A.Chakera, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2004, NLS-04, BARC, Mumbai, Jan. 2005

  57. InViewer - A CCD camera based data acquisition and analysis software for laser produced plasma experiments
    H. S. Vora, V. Arora and H. Singhal
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2004, NLS-04, BARC, Mumbai, Jan. 2005

  58. A delay generator with low jitter for regenerative amplifier in table-top terawatt laser system
    M. S. Ansari, B. Singh, J. A. Chakera and C. P. Navathe
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2004, NLS-04, BARC, Mumbai, Jan. 2005

  59. X-ray emmission and electron current behaviour in laser vacuum diode
    A. A. Rupasov, I.V. Romanov, Yu. V. Korobkin, A. S. Shikhanov, A. Moorti, R. A. khan, S. R. Kumbhare, P. A. Naik and P. D. Gupta
    Second International Conference on Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology, Goa India, Feb. 21-25, 2005
    Second harmonic conversion of a 160GW, 25ps Nd:phosphate glass laser beam for operation at 0.527m/1.054m
    S. R. Kumbhare, R. K. Bhat, R. A. Khan, P. A. Naik and P. D. Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2004, NLS-04, BARC, Mumbai, Jan. 2005
  60. Laser-plasma based electron acceleration studies planned at CAT, Indore
    P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta
    DAE-BRNS Indian Particle Accelerator Conference - 2005, InPAC-2005, VECC, Kolkata, March 2005

  61. X-ray emission and electron current behaviour in laser vacuum diode
    : Rupasov A.A., Romanov I.V., Korobkin Yu.V., Shikhanov A.S., Moorti A., Khan R.A., Kumbhare S.R., Naik P.A., Gupta P.D.
    : Second International Conference on the Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology, Goa, Feb. 2005

  62. Studies planned at CAT, Indore on laser plasma based electron acceleration
    : P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta
    : ICFA Joint workshop on laser-beam interactions and laser-plasma accelerators, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2005

  63. Multi-keV monochromatic twin point x-ray sources for stereo-radiography
    : A. Moorti, P. A. Naik and P. D. Gupta
    : 20th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Cochin, Dec.2005

  64. Experimental study of plasma-pinching and x-ray emission characteristics of a moderate-current laser-triggered vacuum discharge
    : A. Moorti, B. S. Rao, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
    : 20th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Cochin, Dec.2005

  65. Characteristics of ion emission from carbon plasma produced by nanosecond and multi-picosecond laser pulses
    : J. A. Chakera, P. A. Naik, P. D. Gupta, and Vijay Singh
    : 20th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Cochin, Dec.2005
  66. Effect of ultra intense laser pulse on the propagation of electron plasma wave in relativistic regime
    : Atul Kumar, M.K. Gupta and R.P. Sharma
    : 20th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Cochin, Dec. 2005.
  67. X-ray spectroscopic study of keV line emission from multi charged ions in magnesium plasma produced by femtosecond laser pulses
    : V. Arora, P.A.Naik, B.S.Rao, R.A. Khan, S.R.Kumbhare, M. Raghuramaiah, and P.D.Gupta
    : Fifth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, NLS-05, VIT, Vellore, Dec. 2005

  68. Study of spectral blue shifts in laser light transmitted through cluster plasma produced by multi-picosecond laser pulses
    : H.Singhal, V.Arora, P.A.Naik, R.K.Bhat, S.R.Kumbhare, and P.D.Gupta
    : Fifth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, NLS-05, VIT, Vellore, Dec. 2005

  69. Sensitive autocorrelation measurement of ultrashort laser pulses using commercial light emitting diodes,
    : A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    : Fifth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, NLS-05, VIT, Vellore, Dec. 2005

  70. Polarization dependence of quadratic photocurrent in commercial light emitting diodes,
    : A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, P.D.Gupta, and S.K.Shrivastava
    : Fifth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, NLS-05, VIT, Vellore, Dec. 2005

  71. Novel design of highly stable, synchronizable, pulse duration tunable Nd:glass laser oscillator for optical parametric chirped pulse amplification based laser systems,
    : A.K.Sharma, R.A.Joshi, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    : Fifth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, NLS-05, VIT, Vellore, Dec. 2005

  72. Development of single frame x-ray framing camera for laser plasma experiments
    : J.Upadhyay, J.A.Chakera, C.P.Navathe, P.A.Naik, A.S.Joshi, and P.D.Gupta
    : Fifth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, NLS-05, VIT, Vellore, Dec. 2005

  73. An electronic controller for fast opening of a solenoid based control valve for laser plasma experiments
    : S.K.Mishra, S. Nigam, H. Singhal, V. Arora, C.P. Navathe, P.A. Naik and P.D.Gupta
    : Fifth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, NLS-05, VIT, Vellore, Dec. 2005

  74. Enhancement and extinction of single harmonic intensity of high order harmonics
    : H.Singhal, V.Arora, P.A.Naik, U.Chakravarty, J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, S.R.Kumbhare, R.A.Khan, and P.D.Gupta & R. A. Ganeev
    : 20th Nat. Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Jaipur, Dec.2006

  75. On the use of ionization induced self defocusing for efficient harmonic generation from plasma plumes
    : H.Singhal, V.Arora, P.A.Naik, U.Chakravarty, J.A.Chakera, M.Raghuramaiah, R.A.Khan, S.R.Kumbhare, and P.D.Gupta & R. A. Ganeev
    : 20th Nat. Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Jaipur, Dec.2006

  76. Study of thermal and non-thermal x-rays from femtosecond laser produced plasma
    : V. Arora, H. Singhal, P. A. Naik, J. A. Chakera, U. Chakravarty, R.A.Khan, and P. D. Gupta
    : 20th Nat. Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Jaipur, Dec.2006

  77. Angular distribution of hard x-rays produced from intense laser-solid interaction
    B.S.Rao, P.A.Naik, R.A.Khan, and P.D.Gupta
    : 20th Nat. Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Jaipur, Dec.2006

  78. A comparative study of the indium nanoparticles formed by laser ablation in vacuum and in liquids
    : U. Chakravarty, P. A. Naik, H. Srivastava, M. K. Tiwari, V.Arora, H.Singhal, J.A.Chakera, R.V.Nandedkar, and P. D. Gupta & A. I. Ryasnyansky & R. A. Ganeev
    : 20th Nat. Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Jaipur, Dec.2006

  79. Generation of ultrashort coherent soft x-rays by high order harmonic generation
    : H. Singhal, V. Arora, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    : 20th Nat. Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Jaipur, Dec.2006

  80. X-ray spectroscopic diagnostics for laser plasma interaction studies
    : V. Arora, P.A. Naik, and P.D. Gupta
    : 20th Nat. Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Jaipur, Dec.2006
  81. Excitation of ion acoustic wave by cross focusing of two laser pulses at relativistic powers and particle acceleration
    : Atul Kumar, R.P. Sharma
    : 21st National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Jaipur Dec. 2006.
  82. Low-jitter laser-triggering of a 10 cm long capillary discharge plasma channel
    A. Moorti, B. S. Rao, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
    21st National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Jaipur, 2006.
  83. Nanoparticle formation in vacuum using sub-nanosecond laser pulses
    : U.Chakravarty, P.A.Naik, H.Srivastava, C.Mukherjee, M.K.Tiwari, H.Singhal, V.Arora, J.A.Chakera, R.V.Nandedkar, and P.D.Gupta & R. A. Ganeev
    : Sixth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, RRCAT, Indore , Dec. 2006

  84. X-ray CCD camera based crystal spectrograph for x-ray spectroscopy of laser produced plasma
    : V.Arora, H. Singhal, P.A.Naik, U. Chakravarty, R.A. Khan, J.A. Chakera, and P.D.Gupta
    : Sixth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, RRCAT, Indore , Dec. 2006

  85. Hard x-ray spectroscopy of femtosecond laser produced plasma
    : V.Arora, H.Singhal, P.A.Naik, U.Chakravarty, R.A.Khan, J.A.Chakera, and P.D.Gupta
    : Sixth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, RRCAT, Indore , Dec. 2006

  86. High order harmonic generation from gas plume targets : Tuning of the harmonic wavelengths by varying the chirp of the laser pulse
    : H.Singhal, P.A.Naik, U.Chakravarty, V.Arora, J.A.Chakera, R.A.Khan, M.Raghuramaiah, S.R.Kumbhare, and P.D.Gupta & R.Ganeev,
    : Sixth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, RRCAT, Indore , Dec. 2006

  87. Surface harmonic generation using femtosecond radiation with variable chirp
    : H.Singhal, P.A.Naik, V.Arora, U.Chakravarty, M. Raghuramaiah, R. A. Khan, S..R. Kumbhare, J. A. Chakera, , and P. D. Gupta & R. Ganeev
    : Sixth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, RRCAT, Indore , Dec. 2006

  88. Coherent XUV radiation from laser plasma plumes through high order harmonic generation
    : P.A.Naik, H.Singhal, V.Arora, U.Chakravarty, J.A.Chakera, R.A.Khan, M.Raghuramaiah, S.R.Kumbhare, and P.D.Gupta and R.Ganeev
    : Sixth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, RRCAT, Indore , Dec. 2006

  89. Spatial beam profile characteristic of chirped pulse amplification (CPA) based Nd:glass table top terawatt laser system.
    : R.K.Patidar, A.K.Sharma, M.Raghuramaiah, R.A.Joshi, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    : Sixth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, RRCAT, Indore , Dec. 2006

  90. Characteristics of cross-polarized autocorrelation of ultrashort laser pulses
    : A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    : Sixth DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, RRCAT, Indore , Dec. 2006

  91. A tilted pulse-front autocorrelator for spatio-temporal distortion measurements in ultrashort pulse laser beams
    : A. K. Sharma, M. Raguramaiah, R. K. Patidar, P. A. Naik, and P. D. Gupta
    : International Conference on Photonics, Hyderabad, Dec.2006

  92. Sensitive detection and measurement of pulse chirp and asymmetry using unbalanced fringe resolved interferometric autocorrelation envelope function difference
    : A.K.Sharma, P.A.Naik and P.D.Gupta
    : International Conference on Photonics, Hyderabad, Dec.2006

C) Invited Talks

  1. Laser driven high brightness soft x-ray generation and applications
    National Symposium of Crystallography-2001, Mumbai, 2001

  2. Laser plasma interaction experiments in high intensity short-pulse regime
    P.D. Gupta
    Indo-French seminar on Advanced Photonics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, November 2001

  3. Interaction of high intensity laser pulses with solid targets
    P.D. Gupta
    DAE-Solid State Physics Symposium, BARC, Mumbai, December 2001

  4. X-ray emission from laser produced plasmas
    International Conf. on Current developments in Atomic, molecular, and chemical physics with applications, U.Delhi, March 2002

  5. Studies of laser plasma interaction in long and short pulses
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2002, Thiruvananthapuram, Nov. 2002

  6. XUV spectroscopic diagnostics for laser produced plasmas
    XVII National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Plasma -2002 Coimbatore, 16-19 Dec. 2002

  7. Studies of laser produced plasmas and their applications
    Workshop on Laser plasma interaction related phenomena, IPR, Gandhinagar, Jan. 2003

  8. Studies of laser plasma interaction and applications at CAT"
    P.D. Gupta
    Workshop on "Laser plasma interaction and related phenomena", IPR, Gandhinagar, January 2003

  9. Generation of thermal x-ray radiation inside spherical gold cavities using a high power laser beam"
    A.S. Joshi
    Workshop on "Laser plasma interaction and related phenomena", IPR, Gandhinagar, January 2003

  10. A set of 2 invited lectures on "Laser Plasma Interaction"
    P.A. Naik
    SERC School on 'Plasma based particle accelerator's at SINP, Kolkata, February 3-21, 2003

  11. Development of a table top terawatt Nd: glass laser system and ultrashort pulse diagnostics"
    A.K. Sharma
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, held at IIT, Kharagpur, December 22-24, 2003

  12. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and its application in elemental analysis"
    V.N. Rai
    Plasma - 2003, BITS, Ranchi, December 8-11, 2003

  13. Laser based particle acceleration and table top terawatt lasers
    P.A. Naik
    SERC workshop on plasma-based acceleration of particles, IPR, Gandhinagar, January 27-31, 2004.
  14. Plasma-assisted high-current-density pulsed electron emission from ferroelectric materials
    A. Moorti
    19th National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, 2004.
  15. Laser-plasma interaction studies at CAT
    Discussion meeting on Laser Plasma Interaction, TIFR, Mumbai, Feb.2005

  16. Laser-plasma based electron acceleration studies planned at CAT, Indore
    Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, InPAC-2005, VECC, Kolkata, March 2005
  17. Laser Plasma Interaction : Recent Studies, Diagnostics and Applications
    P. D. Gupta
    DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium 2004, NLS-04, BARC, Mumbai, Jan. 10-13, 2005

  18. X-ray spectroscopic diagnostics for laser plasma interaction studies
    Arora Vipul
    21st National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology (Plasma-2006), MNIT, Jaipur, December 19-22, 2006

  19. Coherent XUV radiation from laser plasma plumes through high order harmonic generation
    Naik P.A.
    6th DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium, RRCAT Indore, Dec. 5-8, 2006

  20. Generation of coherent soft X rays using High Order Harmonics
    Singhal Himanshu
    21st National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology (Plasma-2006), MNIT, Jaipur December 19-22, 2006

D) CAT Internal Reports

  1. Equation of state studies at CAT using laser driven shock wave propagation through layered foil targets
    S. Bandyopadhyay, M Shukla, V N Rai, V K Senecha, P Khare, R K Bhat, H C Pant-Indore and B.K. Godwal and N.K. Gupta, BARC, Mumbai :
    CAT / 2000-18, R282, 2000.

  2. Picosecond streak camera
    Mayank Shukla, V N Rai, H C Pant and D D Bhawalkar
    CAT / 2000-19, R2814 , 2000.

  3. Data acquisition and analysis system for on-line optical density scanning by a micro-densitometer
    H.S.Vora, J.Upadhyay, P.A.Naik, C.P.Navathe, and P.D.Gupta
    CAT / 2001-01, 2001

  4. Development of a high resolution on-line imaging x-ray crystal spectrograph and its use in study of laser produced plasmas.
    V.Arora, S.R.Kumbhare, P.A.Naik, and P.D.Gupta
    CAT / 2002-16, 2002

  5. Development of a chirped pulse amplification based Table Top Terawatt Nd: glass laser system
    P.A. Naik, P.D. Gupta, C.P. Navathe, A.K. Sharma, M.S. Ansari, M. Raghuramaiah, S.R. Kumbhare, Janki Upadhyay, H.R. Bundel, K.K. Mishra, R.P. Kushwaha and R.A. Joshi
    CAT/2003-28, 2003

List of publications last updated on June 22, 2007

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