 Author Info
  Proceedings (Paper)

The conference proceedings will be published at the JACoW web site.

Contributed oral presentations and poster presentations may be up to 3 pages long and invited papers up to 5 pages.

The deadline for the receipt of contributions to the Proceedings is Thursday, 25 January 2007.

The Proceedings will be prepared electronically: guidelines and templates for the preparation and electronic submission of contributions will be provided. Paper copies of electronically submitted contributions must be handed in at the Proceedings Office at the conference venue.

The electronic files of contributions to the Proceedings will be processed prior to and during the conference and authors will be informed of their acceptance without delay. Processing of contributions will follow the rhythm of their presentation during the week.

It is expected that a preliminary set of papers, without author index or table of contents, will be available on the JACoW site about two weeks after the conference. It is expected that the final version will be available on the JACoW site two months after the conference.

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