ILA COURSES DURING NLS-2002  AT Thiruvananthapuram


            In conjunction with the National Laser Symposium-2002, which is being held at  SCTIMST, Thiruvananthapuram from 14th to 16st November 2002, Indian Laser Association is announcing the following short courses. The courses will be held on  13th November 2002.


1.                  “Thermal Lensing and Z-scan” by Prof. V P N Nampoori,CUSAT, Cochin and Dr. K. S. Bindra, CAT, Indore (0915  to 1730 hrs with 1.0 hr lunch break)


2.                  “Laser tissue Interaction with practical demonstrations”, by  Prof. V. B. Kartha, MAHI, Manipal and  Prof. S. Ganesan (to be confirmed), Anna University, Chennai (0915  to 1730 hrs with 1.0 hr lunch break)


Course fees and schedule:

Fees for course No. 1 and course No.2 (inclusive of simple veg lunch):

For Students and all ILA members: Rs. 200/-.

All others - Rs. 400/-.


Course No.1 will consists of six to seven lectures. Course No. 2 will consists of four to five lectures and practical demonstration. Both the courses will run in parallel. The details of course no.1 & 2 are given in the annexure.


Financial assistance :


For attending the symposium some TA/DA assistance to deserving students of universities and colleges is provided by the Organizing Committee of NLS-2002. The students desirous of attending the ILA courses also can apply to the Secretary, NLS - 2002 for TA/DA assistance. However, the decision about the assistance is entirely in the hands of NLS Organizing Committee.


Registration for the ILA courses and Lodging / Boarding:


To register for the ILA courses kindly send by e-mail or post an application in the enclosed format to the Co-Secretary NLS-2002 – Prof. Pillay on the address given below. A copy may be sent to me, if possible. Application along with the bank draft or a cheque for the course fee must reach Dr. Pillay before 1th November, 2002. The demand draft or cheque should be payable at Indore toIndian Laser Association, Indore”. For outstation cheques please add Rs. 52/- for bank charges. In case a course is cancelled for any reason the corresponding fee will be sent back to the applicant.


For lodging and boarding arrangements, please contact on or before 14thOctober, 2002  the Co-Secretary NLS-2002 – Prof. Pillay. The charges for these will be as applicable to all participants of NLS-2002.


Please give a wide publicity to these courses in your Institutes.


(S. M. Oak)

General  Secretary –II

Indian Laser Association, Indore





1.      Full Name:

2.      Address & email for correspondence:

3.      Course of interest:

4.      Status (student /ILA member/ Non member):

5.      ILA Life Membership No. (if  applicable):

6.      Course fee – DD/ cheque  details:

7.      Require boarding and lodging:    (Yes / No)

8.      Sent application to Co-Secretary in case (7) is “Yes”? :  Yes / No




Contact address of Co-Secretary NLS-2002 for sending application for ILA courses and  boarding and lodging arrangements:

Dr.V.P.M. Pillai ( Co-Secretary )

Deptt. of Optoelectronics, University of Kerala, Kariyavattom,

Thiruvananthapuram – 695 581, Kerala

E-mail :

Tel: 0471 - 412167 (O) 446909 (R)

Fax : 0471 – 307158



A brief description of the course content.


Course No.1 -   Thermal Lens Technique  and Z- scan


Basic theory andeExperimental techniques of Thermal lens effect:

Limitation of Conventional Spectroscopic Techniques- radiative and nonradiative relaxations-  a catalogue of thermo optic effect – mirage effect, photoacoustic effect, photothermal dispalcement .Generation of refractive index gradient in the medium due to optical absorption,

Experimental technique-  data deduction , Single and dual beam techniques


Applications of Thermal lens effect :

Thermal lens spectroscopy- detection of weak absorption, overtone spectroscopy,  detection of two photon absorption, Evaluation of absolute fluorescence quantum efficiency. Evaluation of thermal diffusivity using TL technique, Chemical Kinetics, Energy transfer studies in dye mixtures, design of threshold logic gates


Z-scan Theory and Experiment:

Z-scan technique: Introduction, theory, comparison with other conventional techniques, important experimental considerations, estimation of nonlinear optical coefficients, measurement of response time of nonlinearity, application of z-scan and   importance of nonlinear optical materials in devices/lasers.



Course No.2 -   Laser tissue Interaction with practical



Some of the topics which are planned to be covered are:


Basic interaction processes  such as absorption, scattering,  fluorescence, thermal effects, acoustic pulses, tissue evaporation,

molecular orientation effects, etc. The course will give details of  interaction with different types of lasers, different types of

tissues, molecular and particle effects, depth  effects, precision  measurement of tissue parameters etc.