RRCAT Newsletter - Issue 2 of 2017

  From the Director’s Desk
  From the Convener's Desk

 Accelerator Programme:
A.1: Development, testing and integration of new 20 MeV injector microtron
A.2: Installation and commissioning of upgraded Transport Line-1
A.3: Development of enhanced version of betatron tune feedback system for Indus-2
A.4: Development of magnet cycling verification system for Indus-2
A.5: Development of first 650 MHz (β=0.92) five-cell Niobium SCRF cavity
A.6: Design and development of 40Kw, 650 MHz solid-state RF amplifier
A.7: Beam profile measurement system for industrial electron linac
A.8: Development of collimator magnet power supplies for 10 MeV ARPF Linac
A.9: Beam energy spread measurement of new 20 MeV microtron in Indus
A.10:Electronic structure and crystal structure of PrGe studied using Indus SRS

 Laser Programme:
L.1: Removal of coolant channel and cutting of thick end fitting inside lead shielding flask at KAPS-1
L.2: Laser cutting of 603 bellow lip weld joints at KAPS-2 reactor
L.3: Nuclear fuel metrology system developed for FBTR fuel pin inspection
L.4: Laser shock peening enhances corrosion resistance of type 31 6L stainless steel
L.5: A novel light based synthesis route for spherical and triangular silver nanoparticles
L.6: Realization of fast resistive switching in Au/NiO/Pt devices for high-speed non-volatile memory application
L.7: Spatially-offset fluorescence spectroscopy using ring illumination and point collection for sub-surface measurements in layered tissue
L.8: Cancer cell death and bacteria inactivation by gold nanorod mediated photothermal effect

I.1: Civil Constructions
I.2: Horticulture activities and Clean & Green initiatives

 Theme Articles:
T.1: Development of normal conduction RF cavities and their installation in Indus-2
T.2: Interferometric gravitational wave detectors
T.3: Intelligent control for accelerator systems

Publications from RRCAT during January 2017 to June 2017

N.1: Celebration of RRCAT Foundation Day
N.2: National Science Day celebration
N.3: Third Orientation Course: OCAL-2017
N.4: US patent for RF substrate used in solid-state RF amplifiers
N.5: M. Tech. Students’ fest – “ANUGOONJ 2k 17”
N.6: Women’s Day celebration
N.7: Celebration of Fire Service Week
N.8: RRCAT Seminars during January – June 2017
N.9: Awards and Honours
N.10: New Recruits
N.11: Superanuuations
N.12: आरआरकेट में दिनांक ०१ जनवरी २०१७ से ३० जून २०१७ तक आयोजित विभिन्न राजभाषा गतिविधियों संबंधी रिपोर्ट

Career and Research Opportunities at RRCAT

RRCAT Newsletter - Issue 2 of 2017

Editorial Board:

  • Dr. Mangesh B. Borage
  • Dr. Aparna Chakrabarti
  • Shri S. S. Tomar
  • Dr. Anand Moorti
  • Dr. Sunil Verma
  • Dr. B. N. Upadhyaya
  • Dr. Amalendu Sharma
  • Shri J. K. Pattnaik
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