List of Journal Publications from RRCAT in 2021

By Author(A-Z)

A(28) B(19) C(11) D(9) E(1) G(22) H(5) J(6) K(19) M(24) N(2)  P(16) R(10) S(41) T(2) U(1) V(8) W(1) Y(3)


1.       Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          A gravitational-wave Measurement of the Hubble Constant Following the Second Observing

          Run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo

          The Astrophysical Journal, 909 1-18  (2021)

2.       Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars in the early O3

          LIGO data

          Physical Review D, 104 082004(1-28)  (2021)

3.       Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and

          Advanced Virgo run

          Physical Review D, 104 102001(1-17)  (2021)

4.       Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced

          Virgo run

          Physical Review D, 104 122004  (2021)

5.       Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          All-sky search in early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational-wave signals from unknown

          neutron stars in binary systems

          Physical Review D, 103 064017  (2021)

6.       Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Constraints from LIGO O3 Data on Gravitational-wave Emission Due to R-modes in the

          Glitching Pulsar PSR J0537�6910

          The Astrophysical Journal, 922 1-22  (2021)

7.       Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Constraints on Cosmic Strings Using Data from the Third Advanced LIGO�Virgo Observing


          Physical Review Letters, 126 241102(1-19)  (2021)

8.       Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Diving below the Spin-down Limit: Constraints on Gravitational Waves from theEnergetic

          Young Pulsar PSR J0537-6910

          Astrophysical Journal Letters, 913 1-15  (2021)

9.       Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          GWTC-2: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the First Half

          of the Third Observing Run

          Physical Review X, 11 021053(1-52)  (2021)

10.      Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Observation of Gravitational Waves from Two Neutron Star�Black Hole Coalescences

          The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 915 1-24  (2021)

11.      Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Open data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo

          SoftwareX, 13 100658(1-41)  (2021)

12.      Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Population Properties of Compact Objects from the Second LIGO�Virgo Gravitational-Wave

          Transient Catalog

          Astrophysical Journal Letters, 913 1-41  (2021)

13.      Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Search for anisotropic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from Advanced LIGO and

          Advanced Virgo�s first three observing runs

          Physical Review D, 104 022005(1-25)  (2021)

14.      Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi and

          Swift during the LIGO�Virgo Run O3a

          Astrophysical Journal, 915 86  (2021)

15.      Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Search for Lensing Signatures in the Gravitational-Wave Observations from the First Half of

          LIGO�Virgo's Third Observing Run

          The Astrophysical Journal, 923 1-24  (2021)

16.      Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Searches for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Young Supernova Remnants in the Early

          Third Observing Run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo

          The Astrophysical Journal, 921 1-29  (2021)

17.      Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Tests of general relativity with binary black holes from the second LIGO-Virgo gravitational-

          wave transient catalog

          Physical Review D, 103 122002(1-43)  (2021)

18.      Abbott R.*, Bhandare R., Chaturvedi M., Dave I., George J., Khursheed M., Malik A., Pai

          S.A., Pant B.C., Rajan C., Raja S., Sharma P., ShyamSundar S., Thondapu S.R., Verma Y. et al.

          Upper limits on the isotropic gravitational-wave background from Advanced LIGO and

          Advanced Virgo�s third observing run

          Physical Review D, 104 022004(1-27) (2021)

19.      Abraham A.*, Jain D.*, Gupta A.*, Chakera J.A.

          Effect of Ti: Sapphire and Nd: YAG Lasers on Shear Bond Strength at the Zirconia -

          Veneering Ceramic Juncture

          Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, 12 1-8  (2021)

20.      Aggarwal R., Ingale A.A., Dixit V.K.

          Elucidating the interfacial nucleation of higher-index defect facets in technologically important

          GaP/Si(0 0 1) by azimuthal angle-resolved polarized Raman spectroscopy

          Applied Surface Science, 554 149620  (2021)

21.      Ahlawat A., Khan A.A., Deshmukh P., Shirolkar M.M.*, Satapathy S., Choudhary R.J.,

          Phase D.M.*

          Effect field controlled magnetization in NiFeO/SrRuO/PMN-PT heterostructures for

          nonvolatile memory applications: XMCD study

          Applied Physics Letters, 119 112902(1-7)  (2021)

22.      Ahlawat A., Roth R.*, Rata D.*, Dorr K.*, Khan A.A., Deshmukh P., Shirolkar M.M.*,

          Satapathy S., Choudhary R.J., Phase D.M.*

          Magneto-electric coupled ordered PMN-PT/NiFeO composite nanostructures

          Applied Physics Letters, 119 152901  (2021)

23.      Ahlawat S., Singh A., Mukhopadhyay P.K., Singh R., Bindra K.S.

          Nanosecond laser induced glass particle deposition over steel mesh for long-term

          superhydrophilicity and gravity driven oil water separation

          Materials Chemistry and Physics, 263 124343  (2021)

24.      Ajimsha R.S., Das A.K., Sahu V.K., Misra P.

          Observation of disorder induced weak localization in Gd:ZnO thin films

          Physica B: Condensed Matter, 619 413218(1-6)  (2021)

25.      Ali S.S.*, Waghwani B.B.*, Anjankar S.*, Kalambe J.*, Balpande S.*, Mondal P., Tiwari P.,

          Rathee V.*

          Microfluidic Based Analyzer for Water Dissolved Arsenic (Asᴵᴵᴵ) Detection

          Water Air And Soil Pollution, 232 507  (2021)

26.      Amin R.*, Samantaray K.*, Rini E.G.*, Bhaumik I., Sen S.*

          Grain and grain boundary contributions to AC conductivity in ferroelectric

          Ba.₇₅Pb.₂₅Ti₁₋ₓZrₓO ceramics

          Ceramics International, 47 13118-13128  (2021)

27.      Aninamol A.*, Petwal V.C. et al.

          An 8 MeV Electron Beam Modified In:ZnO Thin Films for CO Gas Sensing towards Low


          Nanomaterials, 11 3151(1-13)  (2021)

28.      Antony A.*, Poornesh P.*, Jedryka J.*, Ozga K.*, Hegde G.*, Petwal V.C. et al.

          Enhancement of defects induced optical nonlinearity in Al: ZnO thin films by electron beam

          Materials Science In Semiconductor Processing, 128 105747  (2021)




29.        Bagchi S.*, Tayyab M.*, Pasley J.*, Robinson A.P.L.*, Nayak M., Chakera J.A.

             Quasi mono-energetic heavy ion acceleration from layered targets

             Physics of Plasmas, 28 10.1063(1-12)  (2021)

30.        Bairagi S.*, Ansari G.F.*, Bartwal K.S.

             Photoluminescence Studies of CaAl2O4: EU2+ Blue Phosphors Co-Doped with ND3+ Ion

             Synthesized by Solid- State Reaction Method

             Journal of Mountain Research, 16 253-257  (2021)

31.        Bajaj N.*, Chattopadhyay M.K. et al.

             Magnetoelastic coupling and spin contributions to entropy and thermal transport in biferroic

             yttrium orthochromite*

             Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 33 125702(1-11)  (2021)

32.        Banik S., Samina P.I., Rao P.N., Srivastava H., Sagdeo A.

             Probing interband and intraband transitions in magneto-optical FeT (T = Cr, Co, Ni) alloys

             from electronic structure studies

             Applied Surface Science, 546 148896  (2021)

33.        Barik B.*, Maji B.*, Bag J.*, Mishra M.*, Singh J., Dash P.*

             Design of a NonCytotoxic ZnFeO₄‐CeO/BRGO Direct ZScheme Photocatalyst with

              Bioreduced Graphene Oxide as Cocatalyst

             Chemistryselect, 6 101-112  (2021)

34.        Benari K.*, kumar Y.R.*, Jinoop A.N., Paul C.P., Bindra K.S.

             Effect of WC Composition on the Microstructure and Surface Properties of Laser Directed

             Energy Deposited SS 316-WC Composites

             Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30 (          2021      )

35.        Benarji K.*, Kumar Y.R.*, Jinoop A.N., Paul C.P., Bindra K.S.

             Effect of Heat-Treatment on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion

             Behaviour of SS 316 Structures Built by Laser Directed Energy Deposition Based Additive

             Metals and Materials International, 27 015001(1-8)  (2021)

36.        Bera G.*, Surampalli A.*, Mal P.*, Reddy V.R.*, Kumar K.*, Sagdeo A., Rajput P.*, Pradip

              Das P.*, Turpu G.R.*

             Structural, magnetic, dielectric and 57Fe M�ssbauer spectroscopic studies on Fe1−xCexVO4:

              a type-II multiferroic material

             Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32 7399�7409  (2021)

37.        Bhakar A., Gupta P., Rao P.N., Swami M.K., Tiwari P., Ganguli T., Rai S.K.

             Line profile analysis of synchrotron X-raydiffraction data of iron powder with

             bimodalmicrostructural profile parameters

             Journal Of Applied Crystallography, 54 498-512  (2021)

38.        Bhardwaj K., Ram S.P., Singh S., Tiwari V.B., Mishra S.R.

             Absorption imaging of trapped atoms in presence of AC-Stark shift

             Physica Scripta, 96 175303(1-8)  (2021)

39.        Bhardwaj T., Shukla M., Rai A.K., Biswal R., Ranganathan K., Ganesh P., Bindra K.S., Kaul


             Experimental Investigation of Multiple Laser Shock Peening on Mechanical Properties of Laser

             Sintering Additively Manufactured Maraging Steel

             Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, *  (2021)

40.        Bharti A.S.*, Sharma S., Singh  A.K., Tiwari  M.K., Uttam K.N.*

             Assessment of the Elemental Profile of Leafy Vegetables by Synchrotron-Radiation-Induced

             Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy

             Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii, 88 (2021)


41.        Bhatia R.K.*, Das S. et al.

             Design and development of a compact thermal ionization mass spectrometer for isotope ratio

             measurement of uranium

             Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry, 35 e8963  (2021)

42.        Bhattacharjee J., Ghosh S., Pokhriyal P., Gangwar R., Dutt R.*, Sagdeo A., Tiwari P., Singh


             Bandgap bowing parameter and alloy fluctuations for β-(AlₓGa₁₋ₓ)O alloys for x ≤ 0.35

             determined from low temperature optical reflectivity

             AIP Advances, 11 075025(1-6)  (2021)

43.        Bhattacharya J., Pandey D., Barman S.R.*, Chakrabarti A.

             Surface termination and thickness dependent magnetic coupling of Cr adlayers on

             NiMnGa(001) surfaces: An ab initio study

             Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 540 168398  (2021)

44.        Bhaumik I., Vijayan V.L.A.*, Bhatt R., Soharab M., Ganesamoorthy S.*, Karnal A.K.

             Crystal Interface Control at Low Thermal Gradient and Investigation of the Effect of Cr on the

             Crystal Structure and Optical Properties of Bismuth Silicate

             Physica Status Solidi, 258 2100315  (2021)

45.        Boomadevi S.*, Kundu A.*, Anthony S.P.*, Pandiyan K.*, Sastikumar D.*, Saxena S.,

             Bagchi S., Chakera J.A.

             Investigations on synthesis, growth, crystal structure, thermal, Dielectric and Terahertz

             Transmission properties of Organic NLO Crystal : (2-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxystyryl)-1-

             Journal of Molecular Structure, 1245 131099  (2021)

46.        Bute A.*, Jena S.*, Kedia S.*, Udupa D.V.*, Singh K.*, Bhattacharya D.*, Modi M.H.*,

             Chand N.*, Sinha S.

             Boron carbide thin films deposited by RF-PECVD and PLD technique: A comparative study

             based on structure, optical properties, and residual stress

             Materials Chemistry and Physics, 258 123860  (2021)




47.        Chakraborty P.*, Kumar N.N.*, Krishna N.S.*, Maheshwari N.K.*, Bysakh S.*, Bose A.,

             Kain V.*, Tewari R.*

             Effect of oxide layer and the duration of exposure on the liquid metal corrosion mechanism of

             RAFM steel in molten Pb-Li

             Corrosion Science, 183 109321  (2021)

48.        Chakravarty U., Chaturvedi D.*, Joshi M.P.

             A simple numerical and analytical analysis of Covid-19 progression, infection inhibition and

             control in various countries

             Disaster Advances, 14 44-52  (2021)

49.        Chandra L.S.S., Ramjan S.K., Banik S., Sagdeo A., Chattopadhyay M.K.

             Temperature-induced first-order electronictopological transition in β-Ag2Se

             Applied Physics Letters, 118 143905(1-6)  (2021)

50.        Chandran S., Biswas B. et al.

             The IR-FEL facility at RRCAT: Commissioning experiments and first saturation of lasing at 28

             mu m wavelength

             Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A, 1003 165321  (2021)

51.        Chatterjee S.*, Mahapatra S.S.*, Bharadwaj V., Upadhyay B.N., Bindra K.S.

             Prediction of quality characteristics of laser drilled holes using artificial intelligence techniques

             Engineering with Computers, 37 1181�1204  (2021)

52.        Chaturvedi D.*, Chakravarty U.

             Predictive analysis of COVID-19 eradication with vaccination in India, Brazil, and U.S.A

             Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 92 104834  (2021)

53.        Chaurasia J.K.*, Jinoop A.N., Parthasarathy P.*, Paul C.P., Bindra K.S., Bontha S.*

             Study of melt pool geometry and solidification microstructure during laser surface melting of

             Inconel 625 alloy

             Optik, 246 167766(1-12)  (2021)

54.        Chinnasami S.*, Rajesh P.*, Bhatt R., Bhaumik I., Ramasamya P.*, Karnal A.K.

             Temperature dependent refractive index, thermo-optic coefficient and birefringence of negative

             biaxial imidazolium l-tartrate non-linear optical crystal

             Optik, 243 167021  (2021)

55.        Chowdhury A., Singh Y., Das U., Waghmare D.*, Dasgupta R., Majumder S.K.

             Effects of mobile phone emissions on human red blood cells

             Journal of Biophotonics, 14 (2021)


56.        Chowdhury S.*, Yadaiah N.*, Kumar D.A.*, Murlidhar M.*, Paul C.P., Prakash C.*,

             Kr�lczyk G.*, Pramanik A.*

             Influence of tack operation on metallographic and angular distortion in electron beam welding of

              Ti-6l-4V alloy

             Measurement, 175 109160(1-17)  (2021)

57.        Chowdhury S.*, Yadaiah N.*, Murlidhar M.*, Kumar D.A.*, Paul C.P., Patra S.K.*, Singh

             S.*, Kr�lczyk G.*, Prakash P.*

             Comparison of microstructure and mechanical performance of laser and electron beam welded

             Ti6Al4V alloy

             Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and , 43 173  (2021)






58.        Debnath C., Verma S., Kar S., Bartwal K.S., Tiwari V.S., Karnal A.K.

             Influence of electric field on SHG properties of LN/PMMA nanocomposites

             Applied Physics B, 127 1-11  (2021)

59.        Deshmukh P., Deo R.K., Ahlawat A., Khan A.A., Singh R.*, Karnal A.K., Satapathy S.

             Spectroscopic investigation of upconversion and downshifting properties LaF:Tb�,Yb�: A

             dual mode green emitter nanophosphor

             Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 859 157857  (2021)

60.        Dey K.*, Ahad A.*, Gautam K.*, Tripathy A.*, Majid S.S.*, Sagdeo A. et al.

             Coexistence of local structural heterogeneities and long-range ferroelectricity in Pb-free

             (1−x)Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3−x(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 ceramics

             Physical Review B, 103 L100205(1-9)  (2021)

61.        Diljith P.K.*, Jinoop A.N., Krishna P.*, Bontha S.*, Bindra K.S.

             Understanding the corrosion behaviour of laser directed energy deposition-based additive

             manufacturing built Inconel 718 under acidic environments

             Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 6 1-12  (2021)

62.        Dubey D.N.*, Singh G., Tripathi S.*

             Relaxor ferroelectricity driven by �A� and�B� site off-centered displacements incubic phase with

              Pm3m space group

             Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54 365304(1-8)  (2021)

63.        Dutt R., Pandey D., Chakrabarti A.

             Probing the martensite transition and thermoelectric properties of CoₓTaZ (Z = Si, Ge, Sn and

             x = 1, 2): a study based on density functional theory

             Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 33 045402(1-17)  (2021)

64.        Dutta A.*, Dey S.*, Gayathri N.*, Mukherjee P., Roy T.K.*, Sagdeo A., Neogy S.

             Microstructural evolution of proton irradiated Fe-2.25Cr�1Mo characterized using synchrotron

              XRD (SXRD)

             Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 184 109459  (2021)

65.        Dutta A.*, Sarkar A.*, Mukherjee P.*, Gayathri N.*, Dey S.*, Neogy S.*, Sagdeo A.

             Influence of proton irradiation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb-1Zr-

             0.1C alloy

             Journal of Nuclear Materials, 557 153221  (2021)

66.        Dutta S.B., Krishna H., Khan K.M., Gupta S.*, Majumder S.K.

             Fluorescence photobleaching of urine for improved signal to noise ratio of the Raman signal �

             An exploratory study

             Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 247 119144(1-7)  (2021)







67.        Elowitz M.*, Rajasekhar B.N. et al.

             Possible detection of hydrazine on Saturn�s moon Rhea

             Science Advances, 7 EABA5749  (2021)







68.        Gangwar R., Pandey D.*, Kancharlapalli S.*, Raychaudhuri D.*, Chakrabarti A., Banerjee A.,

              Ghanty T.K.*

             Ab Initio Study of Adsorption of Fission Gas Atoms Xe and Kr on MoS Monolayer

             Functionalized with 3d Transition Metals

             Journal Of Physical Chemistry C, 125 1493�1508  (2021)

69.        Garg V.K.*, Srivastav A.L., Tiwari M.K., Sharma A.*, Kanwar V.S.*

             Synchrotron based X-ray fluorescence for trace elemental analysis of industrial sludge

             Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques, 9 192-195  (2021)

70.        Gaur R., Kumar V.

             Numerical studies on RF tuning of an RFQ in a simulation environment using a tuning program

             Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 991 165021(1-13)  (2021)

71.        Ghosh A., Ghosh S., Ghosh H.

             Nematic-like band splitting and crystal field splitting in newly discovered hybrid 12442 iron-

             based superconductors

             The European Physical Journal B, 94 201  (2021)

72.        Ghosh A., Sen S.*, Ghosh H.

             1144 Fe based superconductors: natural example of orbital selective self-doping and chemical

             pressure induced Lifshitz transition

             Computational Materials Science, 186 109991  (2021)

73.        Ghosh S., Baral M., Bhattacharjee J., Kamparath R., Singh S.D., Ganguli T.

             Evaluation of valence band offset and its non-commutativity at all oxideα-Cr2O3/β-

             Ga2O3heterojunction from photoelectron spectroscopy

             Journal of Applied Physics, 130 175303(1-8)  (2021)

74.        Ghosh S., Ghosh H.

             High pressure core electron spectroscopy in 111 Fe-based superconducting materials: A first

             principles study

             Computational Materials Science, 192 110316  (2021)

75.        Ghosh S., Ghosh H.

             Sensitivity of As K-edge absorption to rare earth (RE) doping in Ca1-xRExFeAs2: A first

             principles study

             Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 153 109993  (2021)

76.        Ghosh S., Pervin R.*, Ghosh H., Tiwari M.K., Shirage P.M.*

             Near edge absorption studies of pure and impure NbSe2; theory and experiment

             Journal of Materials Science, 56 17062�17079  (2021)

77.        Gupta A.*, Singh R.

             A novel G-quadruplex aptamer-basedspike trimeric antigen testfor the detection of SARS-


             molecular therapy Nucleic Acids, 26 321-332  (2021)

78.        Gupta H.*, Bommali R.K.*, Ghosh S.*, Srivastava H., Srivastava A., Srivastava P.*

             Correlation between changes in nanoscale structural and optical properties upon swift heavy ion

              irradiation of SiNₓ thin films

             Journal of Applied Physics, 129 035108(1-9)  (2021)

79.        Gupta H.*, Ghosh S.*, Khan S.A.*, Srivastava H., Srivastava A., Srivastav P.*

             Stoichiometry dependent changes in the optical properties and nanoscale track formation of

             PECVD grown a-SiNx:H thin films upon 100 MeV Au⁸⁺ ion irradiation

             Current Applied Physics, 24 1-6  (2021)

80.        Gupta N.*, Mudi P., Yelashetty A.*, Sharma T.K., Dhirhe S.*

             Impact of Built-In Electric Field on the Emission Characteristics of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot

             Laser Structure

             Physica Status Solidi, 258 2100090(1-8)  (2021)

81.        Gupta P., Rao P.N., Swami M.K., Bhakar A., Lal S., Garg S.R., Garg C.K., Gauttam P.K.,

             Kane S.R., Raghuwanshi V.K., Rai S.K.

             BL-02: a versatile X-ray scattering and diffraction beamline for engineering applications at

             Indus-2 synchrotron source

             Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 28 1193-1201  (2021)

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83.        Gupta R.K., Ittoop M.O., Rai S.K., Singh R., Singh M.K., Ganesh P., Kaul R.

             Failure Analysis of a High Voltage Feedthrough of Indus-2 Synchrotron Radiation Source

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             Failure Analysis of Stainless Steel Sheets of Heat Shield Assembly of a Vacuum Degassing


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85.        Gupta R.K., Mishra S.*, Verma S., Rao B.T., Rai S.K., Bose A., Ganesh P., Kaul R.

             Effect of Pulsed Laser Deposition of Thin Surface Film of 316 L Stainless Steel on Corrosion

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86.        Gupta, M.*, Kumar A.*, Sagdeo A., Sagdeo P.R.*

             Doping-Induced Combined Fano and Phonon Confinement Effect in La-Doped CeO: Raman

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96.        Jain U.*, Keskar N.*, Vishwanadh B.*, Krishna K.V.M.*, Gupta C.*, Sinha A.K., Tewari

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             Recrystallization and structure-property correlation in V�Ti�Ta alloys

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98.        Jinoop A.N., Paul C.P., Kumar J.G.*, Anilkumar V.*, Singh R., Rao S.*, Bindra K.S.

             Influence of heat treatment on the microstructure evolution and elevated temperature mechanical

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               Effect of scan pattern on hastelloy-x wall structures built by laser-directed energy deposition-based additive manufacturing

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             Coupling Methylammonium and Formamidinium Cations with Halide Anions: Hybrid Orbitals,

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             Synthesis, crystal growth, and physicochemical characterization of 4-aminopyridinium 4-

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108.       Koner S.*, Deshmukh P., Ahlawat A., Sagdeo A., Singh R., Karnal A.K., Satapathy S.

             Effect of magnetic field on ferroelectric output voltage: a study on La.Sr.MnO

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109.       Koner S., Deshmukh P., Ahlawat A., Karnal A.K., Satapathy S.

             Studies on structural, dielectric, impedance spectroscopy and magneto-dielectric properties of

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113.       Kumar A.*, Warshi M.K.*, Sagdeo A., Gupta M.*, Sagdeo P.R.*

             New route to estimate the Mott-Hubbard and charge transfer parameters: An optical and x-ray

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114.       Kumar A.*, Warshi M.K.*, Sagdeo A., Krzystyniak M.*, Rudić S.*, Adroja D.T.*, Silva

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             Origin of natural and magnetic field induced polar order in orthorhombic PrFe1/2Cr1/2O3

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115.       Kumar A.*, Warshi M.K.*, Sagdeo A., Sagdeo P.R.*

             Investigations on the Electronic Structure of the Strongly Correlated Electron System Cr-

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             Investigations on Crystalline Perfection, Raman Spectra and Optical Characteristics of

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             Study of microstructure and wear properties of laser borided Inconel 718

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166.       Rajput P.*, Nand M.*, Gupta M.*, Sagdeo P.R.*, Sagdeo A., Sharma S.K.*, Coelha A.A.*,

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             Structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Zn.₉₄Co.₀₆O/ZnO heterostructure

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             Optical Modulation via Coupling of Distributed Semiconductor Heterojunctions in a Si-ITO-

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             Evolution of laser-induced strain in a Ge crystal for the [111] and [100] directions probed by

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             Low Energy X-ray Photons Induced Changes in Lexan Films

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             Effect of germanium auto-diffusion on the bond lengths of Ga and P atoms in GaP/Ge(111)      

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             Influence of nickel (Ni⁷⁺) Swift Heavy Ion (SHI) irradiation on the optical, topological,

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             Induction of novel variants in Chrysanthemum morifolium through electron beam radiation

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             Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research: Section A, 988 164874(1-14)  (2021)

175.       Saini P.K., Prakash O., Kumar J., Purbia G.S., Mukherjee C., Dixit S.K., Nakhe S.V.

             Relative humidity measurement sensor based on polyvinyl alcohol coated tilted fiber Bragg


             Measurement Science and Technology, 32 (2021)


176.       Samantaray D.*, Aashranth B.*, Parthasarathi N.L.*, Rai A.K., Davinci M.A.*, Paul C.P.,

             Borah U.*, Bindra K.S., Albert S.K.*, Bhaduri A.K.*

             Assessing the Co-Deformability of a Nickel-Based Superalloy-304L Stainless Steel Preform

             Manufactured through Laser Additive Manufacturing

             Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30 6667�6672  (2021)

177.       Sarkar P.*, Biswas A.*, Abharana N.*, Rai S., Modi M.H., Bhattacharyya D.*

             Interface modification of Cr/Ti multilayers with C barrier layer for enhanced reflectivity             

              in the water window regime

             Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 28 (2021)


178.       Sarkar P.*, Biswas A.*, Rai S., Modi M.H., Ghorai G.*, Sahoo P.K.*, Bhattacharyya D.*

             Evolution of the interface microstructure of short-period Cr/Ti multilayers with increase in

             number of bi-layers

             Thin Solid Films, 734 138840  (2021)

179.       Sarkar S., Ram S.P., Tiwari V.B., Mishra S.R.

             Different atom trapping geometries with time averaged adiabatic potentials

             The European Physical Journal D, 75 281(1-8)  (2021)

180.       Satapathy S., Prudhvi G.*, AliKhan A.*, Deshmukh P., Ahlawat A., Meher K.R.S.P.*, Karnal


             MgFeO/(Ba₈₅Ca.₁₅) (ZrTi.)O lead free ceramic composite: A study on

             multiferroic and magnetoelectric coupling properties at room temperature

             Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 853 156960  (2021)

181.       Sati A.*, Kumar A.*, Mishra V.*, Warshi K.*, Pokhriyal P., Sagdeo A., Sagdeo P.*

             Temperature-dependent dielectric loss in BaTiO: Competition between tunnelling probability

             and electron-phonon interaction

             Materials Chemistry and Physics, 257 123792  (2021)

182.       Sati A.*, Pokhriyal P., Kumar A.*, Anwar S.*, Sagdeo A., Lalla N.P.*, Sagdeo P.R.*

             Origin of ferroelectricity in cubic phase of Hf substituted BaTiO

             Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 33 165403  (2021)

183.       Savita*, Jain M.*, Manju*, Sinha A.K., Singh F.*, Vij A.*, Thakur A.*

             Modulation of radiative defects in MgAl2O4nanocrystals probed using NMR, ESR, and


             Journal Of Applied Physics, 129 125111(1-11)  (2021)

184.       Saxena S., Bagchi S., Tayyab M., Chakera J.A., Kumar S.*, Gupta D.N.*

             Enhanced Broadband Terahertz Radiation from Two-Colour Laser Pulse Interaction with Thin

             Dielectric Solid Target in Air

             Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 42 747�760  (2021)

185.       Seema*, Gupta P., Kumar D.*, Reddy V.R.*, Gupta M.

             Interface-driven  magnetic anisotropy of epitaxial Fe4N thin films

             Applied Surface Science Advances, 5 100088(1-6)  (2021)

186.       Sekar S.*, Brown S.*, Cockburn A.*, Iyamperumal A.P.*, Paul C.P., William O�N. *

             Investigating the various properties of cold sprayed CuAlNi shape memory alloys developed by

              post annealing process

             Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part B-, 235 663-672 663-672  (2021)

187.       Selvamani R.*, Singh G., Tiwari V.S., Karnal A.K.

             A correlation between Structural Parameters and Electrical Conductivity of Calcium-Modified

             Ba(Zr.₀₅Ti.₉₅)O Ceramic

             Physica Status Solidi B, 258 200392  (2021)

188.       Sen, S., Paul T.*

             Electronic structures of trivalent cations doped bulk and cubic LaMoO oxide ion


             Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 295 121918  (2021)

189.       Sharma A.*, Bhaumik I., Singh G., Tiwari V.S., Karnal A.K.

             A correlation between depolarization temperature, ergodicity and piezoelectric response in

             Nb⁵⁺-substituted (Na.₄₁K.₀₉Bi.₅₀)TiO

             Journal of Materials Research, 36 2950�2960  (2021)

190.       Sharma A., Bhaumik I., Singh G., Tiwari V.S.

             Investigation on the Correlation between Piezoelectricity and Its Thermal Behavior with

             Depolarization Temperature and Antiferroelectric Order in Niobium-Doped

             Physica Status Solidi, 258 (             2021      )

191.       Sharma A.K.,

             Dual trace inter-pulse interferometer for measurement of phase stability of ultra short laser pulse


             Review of Scientific Instruments, 92 10.1063(1-11)  (2021)

192.       Sharma M., Dube A., Majumder S.K.

             Antibacterial photodynamic activity of photosensitizer-embedded alginate-pectin-

             carboxymethyl cellulose composite biopolymer films

             Lasers in Medical Science, 36 763�772  (2021)

193.       Sharma N., Kumar R., Jayabalan J.

             Mapping of the electronic work function anisotropy of RF sputtered molybdenum thin film

             electrodes for piezoelectric devices

             Current Applied Physics, 21 58-63  (2021)

194.       Shiva S.*, Palani  I.A.*, Paul C.P., Bindra K.S.

             Laser Shock Peening of Ni-Ti Bulk Structures Developed by Laser Additive Manufacturing

             Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30 1-11  (2021)

195.       Shukla V.*, Nath S.K., Naik V.*, Chakrabarti A.*, Ray A.*

             Studies on rubidium 5S-5d two-photon absorption

             Journal Of Modern Optics, 68 311-321  (2021)

196.       Singh A., Kohli D.K., Singh R., Bhartiya S., Singh M.K., Karnal A.K.

             Incorporation  of  Graphitic  Porous  Carbon  for  Synthesis  of  CompositeCarbon Aerogel

             with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance

             Journal of electrochemical science and technology, 12 204-211  (2021)

197.       Singh K.K., Jain V.K., Ghodke D.V., Puntambekar A.

             A novel method for Lorentz force detuning compensation in multi-cell superconducting RF

             cavity and its validation at room temperature

             Review of Scientific Instruments, 92 063303(1-6)  (2021)

198.       Singh M.K.,

             Controlling the aqueous growth of urea crystals with different growth inhibitors: a molecular-

             scale study

             RSC Advances, 11 12938�12950  (2021)

199.       Singh S.*, Jinoop A.N. et al.

             Investigations on NiTi shape memory alloy thin wall structures through laser marking assisted

             wire arc based additive manufacturing

             Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 66 70-80  (2021)

200.       Singh S.*, Jinoop A.N., Kumar  G.T.A.T.*, Palani I.A.*, Paul C.P., Prashanth K.G.*

             Effect of Interlayer Delay on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Wire Arc

             Additive Manufactured Wall Structures

             Materials, 14 1-13  (2021)

201.       Singh S.*, Jinoop A.N., Kumar G.T.A.V.T.*, Shukla A.*, Palani I.A.*, Resnina N.*, Paul

             C.P., Prashanth K.G.*

             Laser Hybrid Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing for Fabricating Thin Sections

             Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, 6 1-9  (2021)

202.       Singh S.*, Jinoop A.N., Palani I.A.*, Paul C.P., Tomar K.P.*, Prashanth K.G.*

             Microstructure and mechanical properties of NiTi-SS bimetallic structures built using Wire Arc

             Additive Manufacturing

             Materials Letters, 303 130499  (2021)

203.       Singh S., Jain B., Ram S.P., Tiwari V.B., Mishra S.R.

             A single laser-operated magneto-optical trap for Rb atomic fountain

             Pramana: Journal of Physics, 95 67(1-5)  (2021)

204.       Singh V., Tiwari V.B., Mishra S.R.

             Polarization enhanced tunable Doppler-free dichroic lock technique for laser frequency locking

             Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 38 249-255  (2021)

205.       Singh Y.*, Raghuwanshi S.K.*, Om Prakash, Saini P.K.

             Design and development of tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) chemical sensor with regression

             analysis of grating parameters for sensitivity optimization

             Optical and Quantum Electronics, 53 664(1-15)  (2021)

206.       Singh Y., Chowdhury A., Dasgupta R., Majumder S.K.

             The effects of short term hyperglycemia on human red blood cells studied using Raman

             spectroscopy and optical trap

             European Biophysics Journal, 50 867�876  (2021)

207.       Sinha M., Singh A.*, Gupta R., Yadav A.K., Modi M.H.

             Investigation of soft X-ray optical properties and their correlation with structural characteristics

             of zirconium oxide thin films

             Thin Solid Films, 721 138552(1-7)  (2021)

208.       Soharab M., Bhaumik I., Bhatt R., Saxena A., Karnal A.K.

             Unusual absorption and emission characteristics of Cr co−doped Nd:GdVO laser gain crystal

             Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 886 161182(1-7)  (2021)

209.       Soharab M., Bhaumik I., Bhatt R., Saxena A., Khan S., Goutam U.K.*, Karnal A.K.

             Investigation of optical and spectroscopic properties of Nd co-doped Yb:YVO single

             crystals grown by OFZ method

             Journal of Luminescence, 231 117736(1-7)  (2021)

210.       Soni V.*, Suman N.*, Thekkethil S.R.*, Nandawadekar A.*, Kumar R.*, Sinha G., Gupta

             A.*, Sharma R.G.*, Kar S.*

             Quench Induced Eddy Current and Mechanical Stresses in the Bobbin and Thermal Shield of

             the 1.5 T MRI Magnet System

             IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31 4400907(1-7)  (2021)

211.       Sterling C.M.*, Kamal C. et al.

             Sensitivity of Nitrogen KEdge Xray Absorption to HalideSubstitution and Thermal

             Fluctuations in Methylammonium Lead-Halide Perovskites

             Journal Of Physical Chemistry C, 125 8360-8368  (2021)

212.       Sumit, Shukla R., Sinha A.K.

             Finite element method coupled with TLBO for shape control optimization of piezoelectric

             bimorph in COMSOL Multiphysics

             Simulation-transactions Of The Society For Modeling And Simulation , 97 635-644  (2021)







213.       Tanwar M.*, Pathak D.K.*, Rani C.*, Kandpal S.*, Ghosh T.*, Mondal P., Chaudhary A.*,

             Kumar R.*

             Inverse Size Dependent Fano Parameter in Silicon Porous Wires: Consequence of Quasi-

             Continuum Flattening

             The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125 12767�12773  (2021)

214.       Thekkeppat R., Singh S.K.*, Lad M., Bhongade S.*, Shrivastava P.

             Design and development of a rapid, high voltage capacitor charging power supply based on

             third order resonant converter topology

             Review of Scientific Instruments, 92 114710(1-12)  (2021)

215.       Tiwari D.*, Singh V.K.*, Baral B.*, Pathak D.K.*, Jayabalan J., Kumar R.*, Tapryal S.*,


             Indication of Neurodegenerative Cascade Initiation by Amyloid-like Aggregate-Forming EBV

             Proteins and Peptide in Alzheimer�s Disease

             ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 12 3957�3967  (2021)






216.       Upadhyay, R., Badapanda M.K., Tripathi A., Lad M.

             Low voltage high current modular DC power supply for solid state RF amplifiers

             Journal of Instrumentation, 16 P03010  (2021)







217.       Vanithakumari S.C.*, Choubey A.K., Thinaharan C.*, Gupta R.K.*, George R.P.*, Kaul R.,

             Bindra K.S., Philip J.*

             Laser patterned titanium surfaces with superior antibiofouling, superhydrophobicity, self-

             cleaning and durability: Role of line spacing

             Surface and Coatings Technology, 418 127257  (2021)

218.       Vavilapalli D.S.*, Banik S., Kandasami A.*, Rao M.S.R.*, Singh S.*

             Nitrogen-Ion Implantation Induced Bandgap Tailoring in Multifunctional Brownmillerite


             ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 10 061010  (2021)

219.       Vavilapalli D.S.*, Peri R.G.*, Banik S., Muthuraaman B.*, Rao M.S.R.*, Singh S.*

             Electrochemical properties of brownmillerite structured KBiFeO

             Applied Surface Science Advances, 6 100162(1-8)  (2021)

220.       Verma P.*, Sarkar D.*, Rajput P.*, Singh M.N., Sharma R.*, Giri S.*

             Local Disorder Affecting NIR-Upconverting White Light Emission Manifests in Lattice Strain

             Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125 21211�21222  (2021)

221.       Verma P.*, Sarkar D.*, Rajput P.*, Singh M.N., Sharma R.*, Giri S.*

             Structural insights on Li doped P crystals of upconverting NaYF:Yb�/M� (M� = Er� or

             Tm�) through extensive synchrotron radiation-based X-ray probing�

             CrystEngComm, *  (2021)

222.       Verma S., Rao B.T., R.Singh S., Kaul R.

             Photocatalytic degradation kinetics of cationic and anionic dyes using Au�ZnO nanorods: Role

             of pH for selective and simultaneous degradation of binary dye mixtures

             Ceramics International, 47 34751-34764  (2021)

223.       Vikas, Sahu R.K.

             A review on application of laser tracker in precision positioning metrology of particle


             Precision Engineering, 71 232-249  (2021)

224.       Vyas A.*, Menghani J.*, Patel P.*, More S.*, Paul C.P., Patnaik A.*, Ingole S.P.*

             Characterization and Optimization of Slurry Erosion Behavior of SS 316 at Room Temperature

             Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 74 839�849  (2021)







225.       Wu H.*, Erbing A.*, Johansson,M.B.*, Wang J.*, Kamal C., Odelius M.*, Johansson


             Mixed-Halide Double Perovskite CsAgBiX (X=Br, I) with Tunable Optical Properties via

             Anion Exchange

             Chemsuschem, 14 4507-4515  (2021)







226.       Yadav P.K., Gupta R.K., Choubey A.K., Ali S., Goutam U.K.*, Modi M.H.

             Carbon removal from a mirror-like gold surface by UV light, RF plasma, and IR laser

             exposure: a comparative study

             Applied Optics, 60 89-97  (2021)

227.       Yadav, S., Puntambekar T.A., Varde P.V.*

             Modeling and control of transverse coupled bunch mode levels in Indus-2 using artificial neural


             Review of Scientific Instruments, 92 033304(1-11)  (2021)

228.       Yenubary P.*, Anil C.K.*, Singh B.

             Synchrotron radiation-based micro-computed tomographic analysis of apical transportation of

             different Nickel�Titanium rotary systems in curved root canals: An in vitro study

             Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, 39 74-78  (2021)



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